Friday, November 14, 2008


You know those days when you need to call a friend and say, "Remind me I am a good person. Tell me again that you love me?" Writers would call these sorts of episodes the "character arc crisis" or the "black moment." As an author, whenever I get down about writing, I go to my webpage,, and read the lovely reviews. That is my celebration list, my proof that people read my work and like it so I should park my ass and edit through the grind of polishing a book. Do you have a celebration scrapbook? Everyone should have one!

I'm a reader, too. I was wondering how others felt about authors putting review notices out. As a reader, they do catch my eye if I know and like the reviewing site. Plus, I sometimes click through to a review site just to see if it's a new place to check for ideas. There are so many books out there, I use a couple review sites to help me find "treasures" from publishers I might not usually go to. I wonder, though, if readers care about reviews and stick strictly to covers and blurbs for selling points.

If anyone is interested, here's the KICK ASS review I was delighted by at Sensual: 5 Stars for my scifi menage In Service:

About the Author: Mima is an erotic romance writer from Western NY. She has a guy, a black cat, and really busy brain. Her first series, the Bonded fantasies, is a bestseller at Liquid Silver Books.