Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Welcome to December

A little late, but better late than never, right??

Whew. Am I ever glad that November is over and done with. I'm not sure what to tell you about it. It was productive in its way...although not how I had expected it to be. I DIDN'T finish NaNo. Barely started and got derailed early on. Instead, I decided to go through hell and come out the other side a little the worse for wear.


I came out of it all with this!

I'm very pleased and super stoked to announce that my story has been chosen for inclusion in an anthology to be published by Berkley in November, 2011. The theme of the anthology is "Agony and Ecstasy". You can find out the details, and get the line-up of other fabulous authors (including the amazing Meljean Brook, Margaret Rowe, Helen Kay Dimon, Christine D'Abo, Del Dryden, etc...) here

I also have some other amazingness to share soon, but unfortunately since the ink isn't yet dry, I'm keeping this one to myself for just a little while longer, but more news is coming!!


Medd Bachir said...

Good rread