Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Le Ali Del Peccato

I'm so excited to share the news about my first foreign language edition!!

Falling Hard (aka Le Ali Del Peccato - or Wings of Sin) has been translated into Italian!

Good thing I have a hunky Italian hubby who speaks the language to tell me what it says, isn't it *grin*

Privata dagli arcangeli della capacità di provare emozioni, Amelia non sa nulla di amore e desiderio, di rabbia e di rimpianto. Finché non è costretta a scendere sulla terra per proteggere Gabriel Gunn, l'essere umano che le è stato affidato e nel quale è imprigionata l'anima nera di Lucifero. Perché quell'affascinante cantante rock, con la sua bellezza tormentata e la capacità di farle provare sensazioni deliziosamente conturbanti, risveglia in lei un desiderio carnale che la costringe a mettere in dubbio tutto ciò in cui ha sempre creduto. In una folle corsa contro il tempo, Amelia e Gabriel devono trovare un modo per sfuggire alle opposte fazioni di angeli ribelli che vogliono impadronirsi di lui per i propri scopi. E per salvare il loro amore dalla terribile oscurità che vive nel cuore di Gabriel.

If I have any Italian readers out there, I hope you pick it up and let me know how you like it :)

English version: Falling Hard

After a life filled with tragedy, rocker Gabriel Gunn thinks he's finally getting the better of his personal demons. Then he's attacked after a concert—and rescued by a warrior goddess brandishing a sword and white wings. As hard as it is to believe in an angelic bodyguard, Gabriel must face an even more impossible truth: he carries the devil's soul within him.

Amelia has been watching over Gabriel for years, using her angelic powers to prevent Lucifer's return. Now she must also protect him from warring angel factions with their own agendas. Amelia would do anything to avert another angelic war, even sacrifice her own emotions to avoid temptation. Yet with Gabriel she feels things she no longer wants to deny, and pleasure she never imagined.

But the closer Gabriel and Amelia get, the stronger Lucifer becomes. Will Amelia be forced to kill the man she's come to love to stop the war she's always feared?


Anonymous said...

Well, hello!
I read your book in italian. Loved the plot and the characters, specially the angel Cassiel ( remebering wings of desire and far away so close, which are some of my favourite movies! ). Are you thinking about a sequel? Maybe with Cassiel as leading character?
thank you very much.

J.K. Coi said...

That's wonderful, Carolina! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! There will be a sequel, I just don't know when it will be ready and Cass will play a big part in it :)

Thank you for the note. Take care!

JK Coi

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